Why Should You Work Out Through Pregnancy?
Maintaining a consistent workout schedule over your pregnancy will help you remain healthy and feel your best. It can also help you have better posture and lessen several typical discomforts including tiredness and backaches. Research indicates it might help with stress, prevent gestational diabetes—diabetes brought on during pregnancy—and increase endurance required for labor and delivery.
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If you were physically active before your pregnancy, you should be able to continue your exercise with changes as needed. Some activities, nevertheless, are not a smart idea for a pregnant woman. Knowing the difference can help keep you and your growing baby safe.
As long as you are comfortable and have your doctor’s clearance, you can exercise at your old level. Low-impact aerobics are advised over more demanding ones. Try not to let your heart rate run above 140 beats per minute. If you’re a competitive athlete, follow your obstetrician’s recommendations.
After seeing your doctor, you can safely start an exercise regimen even if you have never worked out consistently before. Pregnancy calls for Do not try a new, intense activity. Walking and swimming are deemed safe to begin when pregnant. Unless you have a medical or obstetric issue, the CDC advises at least 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise five days a week.
If you are at high risk for difficulties, your doctor may recommend that you put your exercise plans on hold until after you give birth. Or they may urge that you reduce back on exercising at roughly 20 to 24 weeks.
Before contemplating any fitness program, consult with your doctor about your unique dangers and concerns, specifically what sorts of workouts are best to avoid.
Who Should Not Exercise During Pregnancy?
If you have a medical concern, such as asthma, heart disease, or type 1 diabetes that is uncontrolled, exercise may not be advisable. Exercise may also be detrimental if you have an obstetric condition such as:
- Bleeding or spotting
- A weak cervix
Avoid aerobic exercise during pregnancy if you have:
- Hemodynamically important heart disease
- Restrictive lung disease
- Incompetent cervix/cerclage
- Multiple pregnancies at risk for preterm labor
- Persistent second- or third-trimester bleeding
- Placenta previa after 26 weeks of gestation
- Premature labor during current pregnancy
- Ruptured membranes
- Preeclampsia/pregnancy-induced hypertension
Take precautions with aerobic exercise during pregnancy if you have:
- Severe anemia
- Unevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia
- Chronic bronchitis
- Poorly controlled type 1 diabetes
- Extreme morbid obesity
- Extreme underweight (BMI <12)
- History of a highly sedentary lifestyle
- Intrauterine growth limitation in present pregnancy
- Poorly managed hypertension
- Orthopedic limitations
- Poorly managed seizure disorder
- Poorly managed hyperthyroidism
- A habit of heavy smoking
Consult your doctor before commencing an exercise regimen. They can offer personalized workout advice based on your medical history.
Safe Exercises During Pregnancy
Most exercises are acceptable to practice throughout pregnancy as long as you exercise with prudence and do not overdo it.
The safest and most productive exercises are swimming, brisk walking, indoor stationary bicycling, low-impact aerobics (taught by a trained aerobics instructor), yoga or Pilates, and strength training with light weights. These activities provide no danger of injury, benefit the entire body, and can be continued until birth.
Contact sports that could cause injury to your stomach should be avoided, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Other activities such as jogging can be done in moderation.
You may want to choose exercises or hobbies that do not require exceptional balance or coordination, especially later in pregnancy.
Stretching exercises for pregnancy
Stretching activities make the muscles limber and warm, which can be very helpful when you’re pregnant. Here are some simple stretches you may do before or after exercise during pregnancy:
- Neck rotation. Relax your neck and shoulders. Drop your head forward. Slowly rotate your head to your right shoulder, back to the middle, and over the left shoulder. Complete four gentle revolutions in each direction.
- Shoulder rotation. Bring your shoulders forward and then spin them up toward your ears and back down. Do four spins in each direction.
- Swim. Place your arms at your sides. Bring your right arm up, extend your body forward, and twist to the side, as if swimming the crawl stroke. Follow with your left arm. Do the routine 10 times.
- Thigh shift. Stand with one foot about 2 feet in front of the other, toes pointed in the same direction. Lean forward, supporting your weight on the forward thigh. Change sides and repeat. Do four on each side.
- Leg shake. Sit with your legs and feet extended. Move the legs up and down in a gently shaking motion.
- Ankle rotation. Sit with your legs stretched and keep your toes relaxed. Rotate your feet, making huge circles. Use your whole foot and ankle. Rotate four times on the right and four times on the left.
Kegel exercises during pregnancy
Kegel exercises assist in strengthening the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowels. By strengthening these muscles during your pregnancy, you can build the ability to relax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth.
Kegel exercises are also highly advised during the postpartum period to improve the repair of perineal tissues, raise the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, help these muscles return to a healthy state, and increase urine control.
To do Kegels, pretend you are trying to stop the flow of urine or trying not to pass gas. When you do this, you are contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor and are practicing Kegel exercises. Try not to move your leg, buttock, or abdominal muscles. In fact, no one should be able to tell if you are practicing Kegel exercises. You can do them anywhere!
Try to do five sets of Kegel exercises a day. Each time you contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, hold for a slow count of five and then release. Repeat this 10 times for one set of Kegels.
Tailor workouts for pregnancy
Tailor exercises strengthen the pelvic, hip, and thigh muscles and can help treat low back discomfort.
- Tailor sit. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and ankles crossed. Lean slightly forward, and keep your back straight but relaxed. Use this position whenever feasible throughout the day.
- Tailor press. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and the bottoms of your feet together. Grasp your ankles and bring your feet gently toward your body. Place your hands under your knees. Inhale. While pressing your knees down against your hands, press your hands up against your knees (counterpressure). Hold for a count of five.
Pregnancy ball exercises
A birthing ball, which can be used to exercise during pregnancy, labor, and afterward, has numerous roles. Birthing balls are larger than workout balls and are composed of a tougher material that can hold your weight when you are pregnant.
Using this ball can strengthen your posture and your core, which prepares your body for labor and can help your baby get into a suitable fetal position.
You can execute some basic activities, such as rocking back and forth, simple bouncing, or some pelvic floor exercises. Some exercises are comparable to those you may have done before you were pregnant, with the ball offering some additional comfort and support. These exercises include:
- Moving hips side to side. Sit on the birthing ball, almost in a sumo squat stance, with knees over your ankles. Move from left to right, feeling the motion in your glutes. Release the tension. Repeat as needed, stopping before indications of weariness.
- Child’s pose holding the ball. Kneel in front of the ball with your knees hip-distance apart. With your hands on the ball, roll the ball away from you, lowering your head and placing it between your arms. Push your glutes out. Relax and inhale and exhale deeply, releasing your back, neck, and shoulders.
- Hugging/rocking the ball. Kneel in front of the ball. Hug the ball, wrapping your hands around the back and resting your upper and lower arms on the ball. Place your chest on the front of the ball, then gently rock back and forth and left to right in small motions, avoiding your abdominal area and maintaining your face-looking front. Rotate between shifting your weight through your glutes and then relaxing them. Repeat as desired and stop before getting exhausted.

Exercises To Avoid During Pregnancy
There are certain exercises and activities that can be detrimental if practiced during pregnancy. If you were exercising before you became pregnant, ask your doctor or midwife if it’s okay to keep the same program. Here are some activities to steer away from:
Exercise to lose weight. Depending on your prepregnancy weight, you should expect to gain roughly 25-35 pounds. This can be hard to bear, emotionally and physically, but leave the calorie burning for after you give birth. As long as you eat a balanced diet, weight gain during pregnancy is an indication of your baby’s good development. However, if you have obesity, you should talk to your doctor about permissible weight increase.
Contact sports. Sports such as soccer, basketball, and ice hockey come with a high danger of getting knocked in the stomach. It’s advised to avoid certain sports during your pregnancy, especially in the later stages when your tummy starts to become bigger.
Fall-prone hobbies. The risks exceed the benefits when it comes to hobbies that involve a lot of balance, such as skiing and horseback riding. Even riding a bike outdoors might be difficult when you’re not used to balancing a pregnant belly. After week 12 or 14, do your pedaling on a stationary bike. If you ride a bike for transportation, discuss with your doctor about ways to keep yourself and your baby safe.
Overdoing it. Pushing to the point of exhaustion may increase athletic performance, but when you’re pregnant, it can restrict blood supply to your uterus. During exercise, you should be able to sing one round of “Happy Birthday” without running out of breath. If you can’t, you’re pushing too hard.
Bouncing or jarring activities. Joints are looser during pregnancy, which can boost your risk of injury. Take a temporary vacation from high-impact exercises and kickboxing.
Too much heat. On hot summer days, plan ahead so you may exercise in the cool of the morning or evening, or join a facility that offers air conditioning. Steer away of Bikram and other forms of hot yoga while you’re pregnant. Make sure you drink plenty of water.
Lying on your back. It’s fine to lie on your back for a few minutes. But when your uterus gets heavier, it might cut off circulation to your legs and feet, as well as to your kid. Avoid yoga positions, crunches, and any other exercises that require reclining on your back longer than just a couple of minutes.
High-altitude workout. If you visit the mountains when you’re pregnant, remain below 6,000 feet while you exercise. Talk with your doctor or midwife if you have questions so you don’t unnecessarily avoid healthful exercise. Here are some indicators of altitude sickness you should watch out for:
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Shortness of breath
If you have any of these symptoms, call it quits for the day and notify your doctor or midwife.
Deep-sea exploration. Put any plans to go scuba diving on wait. The difference in pressure could put your baby at risk of decompression disease.
Other types of exercise during pregnancy to avoid:
- Holding your breath throughout any activity
- Any exercise that may produce even modest abdominal damage, including activities that require jarring motions or abrupt changes in direction
- Activities that require substantial leaping, hopping, skipping, or bouncing
- Deep knee bends, full sit-ups, double leg lifts, and straight-leg toe touches
- Bouncing while stretching
- Heavy exercise surges followed by long periods of no activity
- Waist-twisting movements when standing
What Should an Exercise Program Consist Of?
For complete fitness throughout pregnancy, an exercise regimen should incorporate moderate-intensity aerobic activity. The intensity of your workout should be less than 60%-80% of your age-predicted maximal maternal heart rate, which is normally no more than 140 beats per minute, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Begin by warming up and stretching for around 5 minutes. If you are new to exercising, ease into fitness. You could begin with 5 minutes and progressively increase to 30 minutes of exercise a day.
Be aware of your level of intensity during your workout. Moderate intensity implies you notice an increase in your heart rate, may begin sweating and can converse but cannot undertake additional activities such as singing.
Follow cardiovascular exertion with 5-10 minutes of gentler exercise that culminates with moderate stretching.
Here are some fundamental exercises during pregnancy guidelines:
- Wear loose-fitting, comfortable garments as well as a suitable support bra.
- Choose shoes that are tailored for the type of exercise you undertake. Proper shoes are your best defense against injury.
- Exercise on a flat, level surface to prevent injury.
- Get enough calories to suit the needs of your pregnancy (300 more calories per day than before you were pregnant) as well as your workout routine.
- Finish eating at least 1 hour before exercising.
- Drink water before, during, and after your workout.
- After practicing floor exercises, get up carefully and gradually to prevent dizziness.
What Physical Changes May Affect My Ability to Exercise?
Physical changes during pregnancy impose extra demands on your body. Keeping in mind the modifications indicated below, remember that you need to listen to your body and alter your activities or workout program as appropriate.

- Your developing baby and other bodily changes require extra oxygen and energy.
- Hormones released during pregnancy cause the ligaments that support your joints to stretch, increasing the risk of injury.
- The added weight and the uneven distribution of your weight move your center of gravity. The increased weight also puts stress on joints and muscles in the lower back and pelvic area, making it easier for you to lose your balance.
Making Exercise Modifications
If your favorite sport is on the list of don’ts, you may be able to continue, within reason. Talk with your doctor or midwife about methods to modify your workout so it’s safe for your baby. Here are a few suggestions:
Less intensity. Instead of running around the track, try for a gentle jog or a quick walk. Instead of hot yoga, seek for a prenatal yoga session.
Shorten your workout. As your pregnancy continues, you may tire out more rapidly. Save energy by dividing up your activity into smaller sessions. If you can’t take a 30-minute stroll, take 10-minute walks throughout the day.
Shift your weight. Roll up a towel and lay it under one side of your back so you can keep the blood flowing to your legs and uterus while you stretch.
Use lighter weights. More repetitions with lighter weights can keep your muscles strong without harming your joints.
With these adaptations, you have numerous options to exercise during pregnancy that are excellent for you and your baby’s health. Before you venture out to the gym or field, talk with your doctor or midwife. Then go ahead and get moving!
When to Stop Exercising
Take a break if you have any of the following:
Shortness of breath. A growing baby might push against your lungs and make it harder to take a full breath, especially in your last few months.
Even earlier in pregnancy, the hormonal changes that impact your lungs can make you feel short of breath. But if you have increased shortness of breath or any other breathing changes that are odd, call your doctor or midwife straight away.
Overheating. If you find yourself getting hot, calm down. Getting hot can pose some major complications for your growing baby, including birth abnormalities.
Make sure you drink enough of water when exercising. Stay careful and take it easy when you’re exercising on hot days.
Dizziness. You’re more likely to feel dizzy when you’re pregnant, especially early in your second trimester. Dizziness while activity, though, could cause you to tumble. Don’t risk it. If you feel dizzy, take a rest and lie down on your side. Call your doctor or midwife if the symptoms persist.
Pain in your back or hips. This is another clue your body’s had enough for the time being. Stop what you’re doing and take it easy.
You should also cease exercising if you:
Have a headache unrelieved by rest and Tylenol
- Feel chilly or clammy
- Have abrupt swelling in your ankles, hands, or face or calf pain
- Have difficulties walking
Call your doctor if any of these issues continue after you stop exercising.
When to Call Your Doctor
Stop exercising right away and consult your doctor or midwife if you have any of the symptoms below:
Warning indicators of premature labor. It may be possible to avoid premature labor if you and your doctor or midwife act quickly. Be on the watch for:
- Contractions, especially if they continue after you relax and drink water
- Vaginal bleeding
- Unusual discomfort in your belly
- Fluid pouring or gushing from your vagina
Trouble breathing. Breathing disorders, such as asthma, can be more problematic when you’re pregnant. If you have asthma, always carry your inhaler. Phone your doctor or midwife if you have:
- Lightheadedness or feeling like you could faint
- Chest pain
- Pounding heart
- Rapid heartbeat
Exercise is a terrific method to stay fit and mentally grounded when pregnant. But pay carefully and be ready to back off or call your doctor or midwife if your body sends you any of these warning signals.
How Soon Can I Exercise After Having a Baby?
Although you may be eager to get in shape quickly, return to your prepregnancy fitness activities gradually. Follow your healthcare provider’s workout suggestions.
Most women can safely perform a low-impact activity within a few days after a regular vaginal delivery. It might normally take up to 6 weeks, however, to begin activity after a cesarean delivery.
It is recommended to consult your healthcare practitioner about how soon you can begin your exercise regimen after delivering your baby and what workouts are safe for you.
Is it safe to work out during pregnancy?
Yes, in most cases, exercising during pregnancy is safe and beneficial. However, you should always consult with your doctor before starting or continuing an exercise routine to ensure it’s safe for your specific condition.
What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy?
Exercise during pregnancy can improve posture, reduce common discomforts like backaches and fatigue, prevent gestational diabetes, reduce stress, and improve endurance for labor and delivery.
What types of exercises are safe during pregnancy?
Safe exercises include walking, swimming, low-impact aerobics, prenatal yoga, stationary cycling, and strength training with light weights. Always listen to your body and avoid activities with a high risk of injury.
What exercises should be avoided during pregnancy?
Avoid exercises that involve heavy lifting, contact sports, activities that risk falling, or those requiring you to lie flat on your back after the first trimester. Also, avoid high-altitude workouts and deep-sea diving.
Can I continue my pre-pregnancy workout routine?
If you were active before pregnancy, you can generally continue exercising with necessary modifications. Avoid overexertion and ensure your workout intensity allows you to hold a conversation without difficulty.
How much should I exercise during pregnancy?
The CDC recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days of the week, as long as you have no medical or obstetric complications.
What are some signs that I should stop exercising immediately?
Stop exercising and consult your doctor if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions, or severe fatigue.
Can I start exercising if I wasn’t active before pregnancy?
Yes, you can begin a light exercise program during pregnancy, such as walking or swimming, after consulting your doctor. Start slowly and build up gradually.
What precautions should I take while exercising during pregnancy?
Wear comfortable clothing, stay hydrated, avoid overheating, and avoid high-impact or jarring activities. Use proper footwear and avoid exercises requiring excessive balance, especially in later stages.
Are there specific exercises to strengthen muscles needed for labor?
Yes, Kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, while tailor exercises target the hips, thighs, and pelvis. These can help prepare your body for labor and improve postpartum recovery.
Nice post, Thank you.
Thank you.